Birth Day

I wrote this three months ago:

I will turn 60 years old in a few months - that is feeling a bit like an out-of-body experience. Hard to think of myself as 60, until I realize the ages of my children and grandchildren and the trove of memories we share, and realize those memories would only fit in a 60-year-old trunk.

And now the day is here. And the memories are certainly of my family, but also so much more. I feel gratitude and something very close to contentment as I sit here this morning considering my life.

Age is something we correlate in odd ways. For me, I was married ‘young’, finished college ‘old’, accepted salvation very ‘young’, embarked on a new calling at something past ‘middle-aged’, led a large ministry when I was quite ‘young’, and I concluded that ‘arriving' is not a worthy life-goal later in life than I wish. Age markers create a common handle with our friends and community - but now at the fresh part of 60, they seem more of a distraction or delusion than something meaningful. Not the experiences themselves - they are important threads and swatches in the fabric of my life. However, the qualifier of what age each experience is ‘normal’ or not is unnecessary.

Don’t allow your own age or the age of others to limit your expectations.

My family is coming together for a weekend of celebration, which is really the only gift I desired for this occasion. I appreciate that we as a culture celebrate people’s birthdays. The marking of one’s day of birth says: I am glad you were born! I see God’s fingerprints on you! You are unique and important in this world!

On my birthday, I want to encourage us all to celebrate people without age qualifiers. Value both experience and potential. Appreciate natural talent, and long-developed wisdom. Cheer on young leaders and mature risk-takers. Don’t allow your own age or the age of others to limit your expectations. I love seeing God at work in people of all ages. I have learned much from people half my age - and even younger. I also have been inspired to new adventures and stretching my horizons by people older than me. No matter how young or how old you are, if you are reading this, that means you still have the breath of God in you, and God can birth new hope, vision and faith in you today. Happy Birth Day!

Scripture Meditation and Affirmation:

Acts 2:17-18

17 ‘In the last days,’ God says,
‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your young men will see visions,
and your old men will dream dreams.

18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit
even on my servants—men and women alike—
and they will prophesy.


Father God, thank you for today. Thank you for your Spirit. Please help me see with your vision, hope according to your dreams, speak with the breath of your voice. Amen.