Posts in beloved
Birth Day

I wrote this three months ago:

I will turn 60 years old in a few months - that is feeling a bit like an out-of-body experience. Hard to think of myself as 60, until I realize the ages of my children and grandchildren and the trove of memories we share, and realize those memories would only fit in a 60-year-old trunk.

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I see you

You’re looking sharp today, hair and sunglasses both saying "I’m ready for you, Day, bring it on." You steer skillfully through morning traffic, having already made it to the first bus stop of the day, now getting the next kid delivered in the nick of time. Your day will fill with people and activity and all kinds of stuff that you don’t control, but you will deal with it and somehow manage to accomplish what you set out to do. You are She Who Gets It Done, and generally it is done with perfection, with pizzazz, and with the all-important properly attributed Purpose.

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