Posts in Nature

In the summer of 2017 our nation experienced a solar eclipse… A co-worker managed to get a few pair of the special glasses required to look at the sun as the moon covered it over - it was fascinating. The thing I remember most about that day, though, is the coming together in awe and wonder - people all over the nation - experiencing and living though a natural phenomenon that dazzled us…

And now, the COVID-19 reality has finally sunk in to our collective consciousness - forcing us to come to terms with significant disruption and serious individual responsibility. It struck me how the same sense from the eclipse, that feeling of “it’s happening to all of us” is true, although in this case, it is not good.

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Second Week

Today is the first day of the second week of the new decade. How’s it been going so far? My hunch is that you are hard at it, honing and developing those well though-out new habits that you’d like to incorporate this year. A lot of us are raising the exercise ante, determined to create some kind of momentum that will carry us through the “I don’t feel like it!” doldrums. We are trying to eat healthy, live kindly, and view the coming days with optimism.

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We have a tree. A showstopper tree. Last week a couple was using it as their backdrop in a photo shoot. This week a woman parked and got out “just to look at our tree.” It is a maple that shines and glistens and glows for a little less than two weeks every fall. It is beautiful, and I love it. And its beauty is waning - with as many of its lovely leaves on the ground as on its branches now. In one or two more days, it will be practically bare.

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