
Only trust Him, only trust Him,

Only trust Him now

He will save you

He will save you

He will save you now.

John Hart Stockton
© Words: Public Domain

Only. Interesting word - it looks funny right now, like, did I spell that correctly? How many only’s do I have in my life? I learned a new word a couple of weeks ago - “multi-passion”. Like that’s how a lot of people are describing themselves now. Caring deeply about many things, making it difficult to devote all energies to ONE thing. Only.

Only works as a transition word. Like all this is true, or would be true, only… Once you add in that only, the other stuff has to be viewed from a different perspective. Some lenses can be discarded, but this one - nope, life must include this angle. Only.

I am only married to one guy. I am Rachel, Daniel and Catherine’s only mother. I am the only pastor (for now!) at Vienna Assembly of God. So I’m an only to some people. And some people are only’s to me.

Only trust Him.

Only trust HIM. He is the ultimate person that we can trust. We live in dependence and trust with each other, our family, our church, our neighbors, our coworkers. But I have at some point let every single one of those people down. Every. single. one. Jesus never did. Never will. Love people, risk trust with them, but be rock-confident in Jesus. Only.

ONLY trust Him. Can I love him and follow him and believe in him and serve him and commune with him and laugh with him and cry with him, ugly cry with him - and not trust him?

I grew up singing the hymn, “Only Trust Him.” I think at times it became a callous, a tough-up that wounded spot and cover it over with only. Which of course is the opposite of trust. Like a kid squirming and kicking, not wanting the sting of the ointment on the scrape. Not trusting that the pain can be healed, even though it may hurt worse first. Only. Only the wound will potentially get infected and become a much larger problem if it isn’t treated. Only the pain will burrough deep and create hard walls and sharp corners and locked doors. Only Trust Him doesn’t mean buck up, girl, deny and image-control and trust God to take it from there. Nope. Only Trust Him is vulnerable, eyes open, hands trembling while reaching and searching for the scarred hand, and placing it gently on the wound and trusting.