Posts in Healing
Enough. Already.

I am not here. I was busy last week preparing for not being here, packing luggage and hoping I had EVERYTHING I need for this assignment. At some point, you have to say, “It is enough.”

How I’ve thought about enough has shifted and shaped and risen and declined. Am I enough? Do I have enough? Am I doing enough? Is God enough?

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Current Events

I confess to a temptation. This temptation is to become somewhat of a hermit, at least in regard to paying attention to current events. The constant drip of politics, celebrity goings-on, crises and people-doing-bad-things - I just get so weary of it. And the times when I’ve taken a break and disregarded the news did not seem to make a big difference in the world continuing to spin. So I am tempted to just check out permanently.

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Bridge Building

I have the honor of serving on the launch team for Latasha Morrison’s new book, “Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation”. She has created a network of reconciliation that is growing dynamically, and I anticipate will multiply exponentially once this book debuts. Her work is deep and brave, and not possible without discomfort and challenge. The bridge cannot be built without strong foundations and hard work. I so appreciate her humble approach and deep faith.

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Only. Interesting word - it looks funny right now, like, did I spell that correctly? How many only’s do I have in my life? I learned a new word a couple of weeks ago - “multi-passion”. Like that’s how a lot of people are describing themselves now. Caring deeply about many things, making it difficult to devote all energies to ONE thing. Only.

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